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Translate English Arabic لبعضهم البعض

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  • Made for each other
    اتعملو لبعضهم البعض
  • Talking to one another.
    يتحدثون لبعضهم البعض
  • We lookout for each other.
    نحرس لبعضهم البعض
  • So are those made for each other!
    .... إنهم مناسبين لبعضهم البعض
  • Imroth is introducing them to each other.
    ايمروث يقدمهم لبعضهم البعض
  • We're made for each other.
    نحن نَجْعلُ لبعضهم البعض.
  • Perhaps they are made for each other.
    ربما خلقا لبعضهم البعض.
  • Oddly made for each other.
    الغرباء جعلوا لبعضهم البعض
  • They are good for each other.
    أنهم جيدين لبعضهم البعض
  • They tell the truth to each other.
    يبوحون بالحقائق لبعضهم البعض